Monday, January 17, 2011

Ghost Gallery!

There is a lovely little gallery shop in Capitol Hill called the Ghost Gallery. I am so pleased to say that some of my things are now in this lovely shop for sale!
Every month new art is featured in the gallery and there is plenty to look at and experience. I love it!

Here's another link to the website:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Would Cylons Wear Crochet Earrings?

I want to know one thing. That is, right now, I would like to know if a BSG cylon would wear any of my earrings. Taking this further, I should probably design some earrings for cylons to wear and I'm wondering what they will look like when I finally make them. My curiosity has already taken me on a google hunt for images of cylon earlobes. I remember once watching an episode and noting dangles hanging from Caprica Six's ears. Now I have revealed how much of a nerd I am.